Kingjims Shipping

Sustainability Policy and Report

Sustainability Policy and Report

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED, as a leading global container carrier, provides liner shipping services worldwide. A comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is indispensable to the company’s sustained growth in delivering such services. The company’s corporate social responsibility policy is mainly based on the Environmental Protection, Social Commitment, Ethical Compliance & Risk Management and Sustainable Procurement.

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED Marine is continuing to monitor all CSR-related issues. Open channels of communication are maintained with each stakeholder to incorporate their concerns in the corporate governance, economic, social and environmental aspects into our business strategy and options. The publication of this report is also used to examine our practices in sustainable development. The editorial structure of this report adheres to the “Core” options of the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards) and the Marine Transportation Standards 2018 set out by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) to ensure a full disclosure of CSR accomplishments made by KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED Marine and the outcomes of stakeholder communications.


Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles

Article 1

In order to fulfill KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED’s corporate social responsibility initiatives and promote economic, environmental and social progress for purposes of sustainable development, the company’s Best Practice Principles is formulated in accordance with the “Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies” for management and all employees to follow and to manage the company’s economic, environmental and social risks and impact.

Article 2

The scope of application of the principles includes the overall operating activities of KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED Marine Corporation and its subsidiaries. While KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED is engaged in operating activities, it shall actively implement corporate social responsibility to comply with international development trends, and through acting as responsible corporate citizens, enhance its contribution to the country’s economy, improve the quality of life of employees, communities, and society, and enhance competitive edges based on corporate social responsibility.

Article 3

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall pay attention to the rights and interests of stakeholders when promoting its sustainability. While pursuing sustainable operation and profitability, it shall also incorporate the environmental protection, social engagement and corporate governance into the company’s management policies and operating activities. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall in accordance with the materiality principle, conduct risk assessments of environmental, social and corporate governance issues pertaining to company operations and establish the relevant risk management policy or strategy.

Article 4

To implement sustainability initiatives, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED follows the principles below:

  1. Implement corporate governance.
  2. Develop a sustainable environment.
  3. Maintain social welfare.
  4. Strengthen the disclosure of sustainability information.

Article 5

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall consider the relevant development trends of sustainability for domestic and foreign as well as the core business of the company for the company itself and the group, also consider the impact of the company’s overall operating activities on the stakeholders, etc., and formulate sustainability policies, related management and promotion plans for board of directors’ approval.

When a shareholder proposes a proposal involving corporate sustainable development, the board of directors of the company may put it as board meeting agenda.

Article 6

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED follows the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles, Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles and Code of Ethics Conduct for TWSE/GTSM Listed Companies to establish an effective governance structure and related ethical standards to improve corporate governance.

Article 7

Board of directors of KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall perform the duty of care of good administrators to urge the company to perform sustainability, and review its implement effectiveness and continuous improvement to ensure the implementation of sustainability policies.

The sustainability committee shall fully consider the interests of stakeholders and include the following items when performing corporate sustainability:

  1. Propose the company’s sustainability mission or vision, and formulate corporate sustainability policies.
  2. Incorporate sustainability into the company’s operating activities and development direction, and approve the company’s concrete promotion plan for sustainability.
  3. Ensure the real-time and correctness of the company’s sustainability related information disclosure.

The company’s economic, environmental and social issues arising from operating activities shall be handled by the sustainability committee authorized by the board of directors and report the handling situation to the board of directors, and its operation handling process and all relevant responsible personnel should be specific and clear.

Article 8

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall regularly organize training for fulfilling sustainability as necessary, including publicizing the second item of the preceding article.

Article 9

In order to improve the management of sustainability, the KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED Marine Sustainability Committee is responsible for the company’s sustainability policy or related management plan and the promotion and implementation of the plan, and regularly report to the board of directors.

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall formulate a reasonable salary and remuneration policy to ensure that the remuneration plan can meet the company’s strategic goals and the interests of stakeholders.

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED’s employee performance appraisal system shall be integrated with the sustainability policy, and a clear and effective reward and punishment system should be established.

Article 10

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall respect the rights and interests of stakeholders, identify the company’s stakeholders, and set up stakeholder area on the company’s website; through appropriate communication methods, understand the reasonable expectations and needs of stakeholders, and appropriately respond to the importance of their concerns for sustainability issues.

Article 11

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall follow environmental regulations and international standards, appropriately protect the natural environment, and commit to achieving the goal of environmental sustainability when perform operational activities and internal management.

Article 12

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall endeavor to utilize all resources more efficiently and use renewable materials which have a low impact on the environment to improve sustainability of natural resources.

Article 13

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall establish an appropriate environmental management system in accordance with the characteristics of the maritime industry. The system should include the following items:

  1. Collect sufficient and up-to-date information to evaluate the impact of the company’s business operations on the natural environment.
  2. Establish measurable environmental management sustainability goals and review regularly.
  3. Develop concrete plans or action plans and other measures, and regularly review the effectiveness of their operations.

Article 14

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall, as necessary, set up a dedicated environmental management unit to formulate, promote and maintain related environmental management systems and action plans, and regularly organize environmental training courses.

Article 15

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall consider the impact of ship operations on ecological and to publicize concept of sustainable consumption, and follow the following principles such as procurement, operation and service provision activities to reduce the impact of company operations on the natural environment and humans:

  1. Reduce the consumption of resources and energy by the provision of services.
  2. Reduce the discharge of pollutants, toxic substances and wastes, and properly handle wastes.
  3. Maximize the sustainable use of renewable resources.
  4. Extend the durability of operating assets.
  5. Increase the efficiency of the service.

Article 16

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall strengthen relevant environmental protection treatment facilities to avoid pollution of water, air and land; and do its best to reduce the adverse effects on human health and the environment, and adopt the best available pollution prevention and control technology, and formulate relevant management measures.

Article 17

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall assess the current and future potential risks and opportunities that climate change may present to enterprises and to adopt climate related measures, also adopt domestic and international standards or guidelines to carry out corporate greenhouse gas inventories and disclose them. The scope should include:

  1. Direct greenhouse gas emissions: the source of greenhouse gas emissions is owned or controlled by the company.
  2. Indirect greenhouse gas emissions: emissions resulting from the generation of externally purchased or acquired electricity, heating, or steam.
  3. Other indirect emissions: the emissions generated by company activities are not indirect energy emissions, but come from emission sources owned or controlled by other companies.

The company shall compile statistics on greenhouse gas emissions, volume of water consumption and total weight of waste and to establish policies for energy conservation, carbon and greenhouse gas reduction, reduction of water consumption or management of other wastes. The companies’ carbon reduction strategies should include obtaining carbon credits and be promoted accordingly to minimize the impact of their business operations on climate change.

Article 18

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall abide by relevant laws and regulations, and comply with international human rights conventions, such as gender equality, right to work, and the prohibition of discrimination. In order to fulfill the responsibility of protecting human rights, the company shall formulate management policies related to the protection of human rights in operation activities and internal management on handling procedures, and when human rights violations are incurred, the handling procedures for the interested parties involved should be disclosed. The company shall comply with internationally recognized labor human rights, including but not limited to freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, caring for disadvantaged groups, prohibiting child labor, elimination all forms of forced labor, elimination employment discrimination, etc., and confirm that its human resources utilization policies are free of gender, race, social and economic class, age, marital and family status, etc., so as to implement employment, employment conditions, salary, benefits, training, equality and fairness of evaluation and promotion opportunities. The company’s operating activities and management system must not endanger labor rights. For matters that endanger labor rights, the company should provide an effective and appropriate grievance mechanism ensures that the grievance process is equal and transparent. The complaint channel should be concise, convenient, unobstructed and would be responded appropriately.

Article 19

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall provide employees with information to enable them to comprehend the labor laws of their country and their rights.

Article 20

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment, including providing necessary health and first aid facilities, and is committed to reducing hazard factors to the safety and health of employees to prevent occupational disasters. The company shall regularly implement safety and health education and training for employees.

Article 21

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall create a sound environment for the career development of employees and establish an effective career ability development training program. The company shall establish and implement reasonable employee welfare measures (including remuneration, leave and other welfare etc.) and appropriately reflect its operating performance in its employee remuneration policy to motivate employees to stay and reward their performance to achieve sustainability business goals.

Article 22

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall handle the election of labor representatives in accordance with the regulation for implementing labor-management meeting, hold regular labor-management meetings, provide smooth and diverse communication channels, and strive to build a harmonious workplace environment between labor and management. The company shall notify employees of operational changes that may have a significant impact on employees in a reasonable manner.

Article 22-1

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall treat customers or consumers faced by its products or services in a fair and reasonable manner, including contracting fairness and integrity, duty of care and loyalty, truthfulness of advertising solicitation, suitability of goods or services, notification and disclosure, balance of remuneration and performance, appeal protection and professionalism of business personnel, and formulate relevant implementation strategies and concrete measures.

Article 23

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall be responsible for the services provided and value marketing ethics. Its procurement, operation and service provision process should ensure the information transparency and safety to prevent the provision of services from harming customer rights.

Article 24

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall ensure the quality of service in accordance with government regulations and relevant industry regulations.

The company should follow relevant laws, regulations and international guidelines in regard to customer health and safety and customer privacy involved in, and marketing and labeling of, their products and services and shall not deceive, mislead, commit fraud or engage in any other acts which would betray consumers’ trust or damage consumers’ rights or interests.

Article 25

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall assess and manage various risks that may cause interruption of operations, and reduce the impact on customers and society.

The company shall provide transparent and effective customer complaint procedures for the service, handle customer complaints fairly and immediately, and comply with Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant regulations for respecting the privacy of customers and protect the personal data provided by customers.

Article 26

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall formulate supplier management policies, requiring suppliers to comply with rules governing issues such as environmental protection, occupational safety and health or labor rights. Prior to engaging in commercial dealings, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED should access whether there is any record of a supplier’s impact on the environment and society, and avoid conducting transactions with those against sustainability policy.

When the company signs contracts with major suppliers, the content should include as far as possible compliance with the sustainability policies of both parties, and if the supplier is involved in violation of the policy and has a significant impact on the environment and society of the community of the supply source, the company may at any time terminate or rescind the contract.

Article 27

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall assess the impact of the company’s operations on the community, and appropriately employ the manpower in the place where the company operates to enhance community recognition.

The company may use equity investment, commercial activities, donations, corporate volunteer services or other public welfare professional services to transfer resources invest in organizations that solve social or environmental problems through business models, or civic organizations and charities that participate in community development and community education, relevant activities of public welfare organizations and local government agencies to promote community development.

Article 28

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall handle information disclosure in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM Listed Companies, and shall fully disclose relevant reliable information for sustainability so as to uplift information transparency.

Relevant information of the company’s disclosure of sustainable development is as follows:

  1. Sustainability policies or related management plans and promotion plans approved by the board of directors.
  2. The risk and impact of factors such as implementing corporate governance, developing a sustainable environment, and maintaining social welfare on the company’s operations and financial status.
  3. Goals, measures and performance of the company formulated for sustainability.
  4. Major stakeholders and their concerns.
  5. Disclosure of management and performance information on major environmental and social issues by major suppliers.
  6. Other sustainable development related information.

Article 29

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED’s Sustainability Report should adopt internationally recognized standards or guidelines and monitor the latest laws and regulations of the competent authority at any time to disclose the status of the implementation of the sustainable development policy, and obtain a third-party assurance to enhance the reliability of the information in the reports.

To improve information reliability, its content should include:

  1. Sustainability policies, guidelines or related promoting plans.
  2. Major stakeholders and their concerns.
  3. Results and a review of the exercising corporate governance, fostering a sustainable environment, maintaining social welfare and promoting economic development.
  4. Future improvements and goals.

Article 30

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED shall always monitor the domestic and foreign development of sustainable standards and changes in the corporate environment so as to improve the sustainable framework and enhance the performance of sustainability.

Article 31

This Principles shall be implemented after the approval of the board of directors, and the same shall apply when revised.