KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has has always embraced the philosophy that “talents are the most important assets of an enterprise” since its establishment in 1968.
Care for employees is also one of the core values of the company. For both sea and land crew, the company set up comprehensive mechanisms to ensure positive outcome of talent attraction and retention, talent training and development, human rights and protection of working environment. Moreover, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has works closely with Chang Yung-fa Foundation in promoting marine education and care for society.
KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has has the interests and wellbeing of its employees as its focus in pledging to carry out the business philosophy of “creating profits, caring for employees and giving back to the society” and this is KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has ‘s guarantee for its stakeholders. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has is committed to promoting a working environment where all workers are treated with respect and dignity in accordance with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006).