Kingjims Shipping

Social Inclusion Policy

Social Inclusion Policy

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  has always embraced the philosophy that “talents are the most important assets of an enterprise” since its establishment in 1968.

Care for employees is also one of the core values of the company. For both sea and land crew, the company set up comprehensive mechanisms to ensure positive outcome of talent attraction and retention, talent training and development, human rights and protection of working environment. Moreover, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  works closely with Chang Yung-fa Foundation in promoting marine education and care for society.

Action Plans

  1. Ensure equal opportunity, diversity and tolerance.
  2. Ensure dignity and respect in the workplace.
  3. Strive to create and maintain open communication and interaction.
  4. Protect physical and mental wellbeing of employees.
  5. Continue to promote marine education and care for society.

Performance & Target

  1. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  keeps recruiting young talents with equal opportunity, in order to bring new energy and dynamics to the team.
  2. Through open recruiting channels, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has welcomes qualified applicants to apply for various vacancies. We have established a thorough selection process including written test and interview in search of appropriate candidates.
  3. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has ‘s human resource activities aim to provide both land and sea crew with competitive compensation package, fair management mechanism, and safe and friendly work environment.
  4. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has provides a variety of training courses, opportunities to rotate between jobs, and fair promotion and treatment. All helped to increase employee retention.
  5. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has works closely with maritime universities for many years to attract outstanding talents to join our shipping business. To promote the cultivation of maritime professionals, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  has sponsored students through “Graduate Navigation/Marine Engineering Programs” since 2016.

Human Rights

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  has the interests and wellbeing of its employees as its focus in pledging to carry out the business philosophy of “creating profits, caring for employees and giving back to the society” and this is KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has ‘s guarantee for its stakeholders. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  is committed to promoting a working environment where all workers are treated with respect and dignity in accordance with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006).

Protection of Working Environment

  1. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  pays attention to safety discipline and a healthy environment, implements the management, implementation and supervision of occupational safety and health. We comply with legal and other compliance requirements, and aim to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational safety and health risks. It is our goal to continuously improve the performance of occupational safety and health management and implement full staff consultation, communication and participation.
  2. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has provides safe and healthy working conditions and working environment for employees and those who may be affected, and prevent injury and health effects caused by work, including: promoting and protecting their physical and mental health.
  3. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has establishes occupational safety and health management operations, implements them to maintain the effectiveness of occupational safety and health management and improves the performance through constant supervision.
  4. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has implements legal requirements and other requirements, identifies and adapts to existing occupational safety and health risks, laws and regulations to establish, implements, maintains and continuously improves the occupational safety and health management system.
  5. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has conducts safety, health and environmental risk assessments according to the requirements of the occupational safety and health management system to provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment and complies with safety and health regulations to reduce occupational hazards and prevent accidents.
  6. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has evaluates and identifies opportunities for occupational safety and health management and other opportunities, and then eliminates opportunities for harm and reduce occupational safety and health risks by adjusting employees’ work items, work arrangements and work environment, with a view to improving the performance of occupational safety and health.
  7. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has provides employee consultation and participation in the planning, execution, development, performance evaluation and improvement of occupational safety and health management and strives to build a safe and healthy working environment.
  8. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has provides our employees with free regular physical examinations and medical advice on the physical examinations results and has installed automated external defibrillator (AED) units throughout the workplace to ensure timely assistance.
  9. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has received the “CPR+AED” certificate and “Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace” from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine Kaohsiung Terminal has achieved both ISO45001 and CNS45001 certification.
  10. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has employed a full-time physician in Taipei and Taoyuan and appointed an occupational physician three-hour per week in Kaohsiung to provide medical services.