Kingjims Shipping

Environmental Policy & Commitment

Environmental Policy & Commitment

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED. Group was founded in 1968, which is based on the philosophy of caring for our planet. The Group’s environmental policy has always preceded government regulations. This core value is consistent with the business philosophy and requirements of our customers and we work for environmental protection.

Company fleet environmental policy is to meet the requirements of applicable International and domestic environmental laws and regulations in all operational activities. All employees whether on shore or onboard shall observe this policy at all times that will enable the Company fleet to comply with this Environmental Protection. The Company also encourages them to report any non-compliance and commit the EP programs in a responsible manner in order to prevent pollutions and minimize risks to the environment.

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED. GROUP (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has traditionally recognized the obligation to conduct its affairs as a constructive corporate member of society, and has established a “Safety and Environmental Management System”, “Safety and Environmental Policy” for our cargo ships and Company’s shore based personnel.

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management

IMO has formulated the medium- and long-term greenhouse gas reduction strategy for the entire shipping industry, which is 40% reduction in carbon emission (for both existing and new ships) by 2030 and 70% by 2050 with 2008 as the base year. In response to this strategy, the Company has formulated its short-, mediumand long-term greenhouse gas reduction goals. With 2008 as the base year, the Company plans to reduce the fleet’s CO2 emission by 50% by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050. For the fleet carbon emission rate (g/TEU-KM) reduction goal, the compiled emission statistics are verified by third-party organizations such as ClassNK and Clean Cargo.


Through a series of carbon reduction measures, sailing at a slower speed and having newly-built ships joining the fleet, the KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  operating fleet in 2022 significantly reduced emissions. In 2022, the CO2 emission rate for the fleet operated by the Company was 38.20 g /TEU-KM, 61.98% lower than the base year of 2008. And it is closely linked with the Paris Agreement’s goal of keeping the global average temperature increases within 1.5°C. In addition, we have also achieved excellent results in the control of nitrogen oxides (NOx), the emission rate dropped to 0.938 g /TEU-KM, a decrease of 22.4% compared with the previous year. The emission rate of sulfur oxides (SOx) also dropped significantly. It was 0.144 g/TEU-KM, a decrease of 22.1% compared with the previous year. These data fully reflect the efforts of the KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  fleet in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing air pollution, and maintaining the ecological environment, and contribute to the realization of green and sustainable shipping.

Total greenhouse gas emissions for the past three years

Note 1:The emission statistics only include carbon emissions from KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine’s own fleet, Nankan Office Building, and Kaohsiung Container Terminal in 2020. The Company obtained ISO14064:2018 greenhouse gas emission certification in 2021 and the verification boundary is different from the carbon inventory boundary in the past. The CO2e in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in the table above included the ships and office buildings operated by the Company and its subsidiaries as well as Kaohsiung Container Terminal

Note 2:The 2021 GHG Scope 3 included 10 items: 4 verified (C3, C5, C6, C7) and the remaining 6 (C1, C2, C4, C8, C12, C13) self-reported not verified. In 2022, GHG Scope 3 contained only 4 verified items (C3, C5, C6, C7) and caused a result of discrepancies.

Ecosystem Protection

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine expects itself to be the “Guardian of the Green Earth.” Therefore, the Company has always actively responded to international environmental protection trends and regulations. The Company started complying with Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) more than ten years ago and has refused to ship any species and products protected by this convention. In August 2020, the Company has put in place a computer booking/bill of landing audit system as a monitoring and audit mechanism.

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine heeds calls for the Arctic ecosystem conservation measures from Ocean Conservancy and Nike, Inc. Shouldering the responsibility of delivering cargoes to every corner of the world in a safe and eco-friendly manner, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine has signed a pledge not to use Arctic shipping routes, with the intention of expressing our stand on sustainable shipping. KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine’s ships did not sail into protected areas in 2022.

KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine participates in various vessel speed reduction programs in North America, the North Atlantic, and Panama to reduce the risk of ship strikes on whales while proactively taking part in the Vessel Speed Reduction Program hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the US. The program runs from July to mid-November each year. Under this program, ships are required to reduce their speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/h) or below when they are within 95 nautical miles (176 km) of the port. As large marine organisms, such as blue whales, humpback whales and fin whales, migrate to these waters for food, sailing at a low speed allows more time for these whales to avoid ships and thus reduce the risk of ship strikes on them, which in turn helps to restore these endangered marine species. Furthermore, sailing at a low speed can also reduce the emission of pollutants such as greenhouse gases and particulate matters. This program has reduced over 8,000 tons in greenhouse gas emissions and 300 tons of smog-causing nitrogen oxides. In other words, vessel speed reduction can not only protect whales but also enables coastal residents to enjoy cleaner air.

The Asian gypsy moth (AGM) is a leaf-eating pest that is extremely destructive to the ecological environment. AGM’s oviposition period is a high-risk period for the transmission of pests and diseases for ships. During the oviposition period, ships located in northern China, South Korea, Japan, Russia and the Far East are all faced with a high risk of large numbers of female AGMs laying eggs on ships.

To prevent the AGMs from spreading through marine transportation, we have adopted the control measures below:

  1. Develop standard operating procedures for on-board inspection: Understand AGMs’ habits and the common places for their eggs hidden away as well as the inspection and removal methods. Set out standard operating procedures for on- board inspection for colleagues to implement on board, and conduct a thorough inspection and removal them on board before arriving at a port of a country where this pest is not native.
  2. Comply with the requirements of various ports, obtain the relevant certificates, and control the validity period of the certificates with a computer program: Comply with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of each port of destination, appoint a professional onshore company to remove AGMs on board at the last port before a ship to leaves Asia, and obtain the Free of AGM certificate. Meanwhile, the Company has established a system program for control to effectively supervise the validity period of the certificate to prevent oversight. Since the implementation, there has been no record of violation.
  3. Continues to promote and strengthen education for the crew on board, send notices to the fleet in a timely manner, provides the latest information, educates and trains the crew on board regarding the new knowledge and countermeasures related to prevention and control.

In July 2022, KINGJIMS SHIPPING PUBLIC LIMITED has  Marine signed the Buckingham Palace Declaration and committed to refusing the transport of illegal wildlife. The Company also announced that it has joined United for Wildlife and has officially become a member of its Transport Taskforce. The Company also works with WWF, EIA and other institutions to contribute to the conservation of the natural environment and ecosystem. In April 2022, the Company announced that it would no longer receive booking for the transport of shark fins and shark fin products, demonstrating the Company’s determination to put an end to illegal smuggling.