Kingjims Shipping


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Corporate Governance Officer

Chief Corporate Governance Officer at KingJims Shipping

At KingJims Shipping, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance, safeguarding shareholders’ rights, and enhancing the effectiveness of our Board of Directors. In this pursuit, the Board appointed Senior Vice President Hsieh, Shu-Hui, the head of our Corporate Governance Department, as the Chief Corporate Governance Officer during the Board Meeting held on May 13, 2019. Under the Officer’s capable leadership, a team of dedicated corporate governance professionals has been assembled to fortify our governance framework.

A Champion of Governance Excellence

Our Chief Corporate Governance Officer boasts substantial experience, with a minimum of three years in corporate governance affairs, making them well-suited for the role. They are entrusted with a range of critical responsibilities, including:

  1. Facilitating Board and Shareholders’ meetings in compliance with relevant laws.
  2. Preparing minutes of Board and Shareholders’ meetings.
  3. Assisting in the orientation and continuous education of our directors.
  4. Providing directors with essential information necessary for effective decision-making.
  5. Aiding directors in adhering to regulatory compliance.
  6. Reporting to the Board of Directors on the qualifications of independent directors as per legal requirements during their nomination, election, and tenure.
  7. Managing changes in the composition of our Board of Directors.

Execution of Duties in 2022

In 2022, the Chief Corporate Governance Officer diligently executed their duties, including:

  • Providing directors with essential information and regulations for their duties, organizing training sessions for directors, and regularly updating them on corporate governance regulations.
  • Ensuring effective communication between Directors and department heads by furnishing them with the company’s information.
  • Arranging closed-door meetings to foster transparent communication between independent directors and our chief internal auditor and CPAs, facilitating a deeper understanding of our company’s audit and financial status.
  • Conducting training sessions for directors to enhance their knowledge and capabilities.
  • Managing the functional committees, board meetings, and shareholders’ meetings in accordance with legal requirements, ensuring transparency and legality.
  • Overseeing the announcement of material information after board meetings to ensure its accuracy and protect the information equivalence of investor transactions.
  • Maintaining shareholder meeting records, including the registration of meeting dates, preparation of meeting notices, handbooks, and minutes in compliance with relevant laws.
  • Regularly reviewing the qualifications of independent directors to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards.

KingJims Shipping’s Chief Corporate Governance Officer is dedicated to strengthening our corporate governance practices, ensuring accountability, and promoting transparency in all our operations.