Kingjims Shipping


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Audit Committee

Audit Committee at KingJims Shipping

In our commitment to fostering transparency, accountability, and sound corporate practices, KingJims Shipping established the Audit Committee on June 22, 2023, in accordance with the “Securities and Exchange Act.” The Audit Committee is a pivotal component of our corporate governance, composed entirely of independent directors.

Key Responsibilities of the Audit Committee:

The Audit Committee plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity of our financial reporting and ensuring the effectiveness of our internal control system. Here are its core responsibilities:

  • Supervising Financial Reports: The committee rigorously supervises the fair presentation of financial reports, ensuring accuracy and compliance with accounting standards and regulations.

  • Certified Public Accountants: It oversees the selection, hiring, and, if necessary, dismissal of certified public accountants, guaranteeing their independence and assessing their performance.

  • Internal Control System: The committee is instrumental in monitoring the effective implementation of our internal control system, which safeguards the integrity of our operations.

  • Compliance and Risk Management: Ensuring that the company adheres to relevant laws and regulations is another critical duty of the committee. It also actively manages existing and potential risks to safeguard our interests.

  • Audit Quality Indicators (AQIs): We employ Audit Quality Indicators as a reference to gauge and enhance the quality of our auditing practices.

For more detailed information on our Audit Committee’s activities and its impact, please refer to our annual report or visit our website on MOPS.

Our Audit Committee’s unwavering dedication to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance and financial transparency ensures that KingJims Shipping remains a trusted and responsible corporate entity.